Piero Bonaguri Collection
Contemporary Music for Guitar
Piero Bonaguri graduated “cum laude” at the Parma Conservatory. “Diploma di Merito” at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena, he also studied with Enrico Tagliavini, Alirio Díaz, Oscar Ghiglia and Andrès Segovia, who wrote about him: “He will soon be a famous name among the best guitarists of our time”.
His performing career takes him to more than fifty countries in all five continents, working with prestigious Institutes and Festivals.
He has premiered, recorded and edited many pieces for guitar written for him (almost 400 new compositions have been dedicated to him by well-known composers such as Cappelli, Guarnieri, Ugoletti, Solbiati, Molino, Paccagnini, Benati, Carluccio, Anzaghi, Tagliamacco).
He is general editor of a collection of contemporary guitar works published by Ut Orpheus.
He teaches guitar at the Conservatory “G.B. Martini” in Bologna.
Volumes Published:
Tagliamacco, Roberto - Una storia incredibile (An incredible tale) for Guitar (2009) [CH 119]
Cappelli, Gilberto - Per Piero (2006) - Per Maurizio (2009) for Guitar [CH 122]
Ugoletti, Paolo - Nuove Polifonie. 4 Pieces for Guitar [CH 133]
Spazzoli, Alessandro - A Guitar Notebook. 6 Pieces for Guitar [CH 136]
Luppi, Gian Paolo - Missa for Guitar (2006) [CH 162]
Ugoletti, Paolo - Corelliana II for Guitar (2013) [CH 168]
Corelliana. An Anthology of Contemporary Music for Guitar (Luppi, Reghezza, Spazzoli, Tagliamacco) [CH 209]
Anzaghi, Davide - Pièce pour guitare sensible. Hommage à Jean-Philippe Rameau for Guitar (2014) [CH 198]
Spazzoli, Alessandro - Homenaje a Rodrigo. 4 Pieces for Guitar [CH 220]
Furgeri, Biancamaria - ...Di voci d’oro... for Guitar (1992) [CH 237]
Grandi, Cesare Augusto - Et Expecto for Guitar (2009) [CH 247]
Vezzoli, Andrea - Ugoletti, Paolo - 18 Contrapuntal Pieces for Guitar [CH 254]
Molino, Pippo - 3 Frammenti for Guitar [CH 260]
Bonaguri, Paolo - Trittico Esatonale for Guitar (2010) [CH 270]
Vezzoli, Andrea - 16 Short Pieces in Ancient Style. A Trip through Early Music Forms and Techniques from Gregorian Chant to Renaissance Counterpoint for Guitar [CH 279]
Cavallone, Franco - Per il tempo di Pasqua (For Easter Time). Suite mistica (Meditations on “Victimae Paschali”) for Guitar (2010) [CH 287]
Ugoletti, Paolo - Quintetto d’Autunno for Guitar and String Quartet (2016) [CH 317]
Bonaguri, Paolo - Selected Works for Guitar [CH 318]
Benati, Chiara - Dediche for Guitar (1991) [CH 321]
Scapecchi, Giovanni - Cinque Danze sulle Crete for Guitar and Piano (2018) [CH 322]
Spazzoli, Alessandro - 3 Homages for Guitar (2019) [CH 328]
Vezzoli, Andrea - La Guitare Engloutie. 15 Short Pieces for Guitar. A Trip through Composition Forms and Techniques from Wagner to Messiaen [CH 351]
Simoni, Marco - Alpha et Omega. 6 Sacred Pieces for Guitar (2020) [CH 358]
Spallotta, Stefano - Perpetuum for Guitar and String Quartet (2022) [CH 375]