Napoli e l’Europa (Naples and Europe)

The Neapolitan School from the 17th to the 19th Century

This series presents critical and Urtext editions of music by composers of the Neapolitan School from 17th to 19th century.

Ut Orpheus Edizioni is the exclusive publisher for the Neapolitan School project, created by Maestro Riccardo Muti, at the helm of the Orchestra Giovanile Luigi Cherubini. Starting in 2007, in association with the Ravenna Festival, the Salzburg Festival has produced, for the Whitsun Festival, operas, oratorios and masses of great musical relevance, rarely performed or even unheard.
Ut Orpheus is publishing the critical edition of the music in the section of the present series named ‘Masterpieces of the Neapolitan School selected by Riccardo Muti for the Salzburg Whitsun Festival project in association with the Ravenna Festival’. Furthermore, the publisher is producing for each work the vocal score and the orchestral material on hire for other productions.

Presentation by Riccardo Muti

Introductory Texts in Italian and English

Volumes Published:

  Jommelli, Niccolò - Demofoonte. Dramma per musica (1770) [Score]   [NAP 1]

  Jommelli, Niccolò - Demofoonte. Dramma per musica (1770) [Vocal Score]   [NAP 1R]

  Vinci, Leonardo - Oratorio di Maria dolorata (Napoli, ca. 1723) for 5 Voices, Choir and Instruments [Score]   [NAP 2]

  Scarlatti, Alessandro - Il Giardino di Rose - La Santissima Vergine del Rosario. Oratorio for 5 Voices and Instruments (1707) [Score]   [NAP 3]

  Scarlatti, Alessandro - Il Giardino di Rose - La Santissima Vergine del Rosario. Oratorio for 5 Voices and Instruments (1707) [Vocal Score]   [NAP 3R]

  Fiorenza, Nicola - Opera Omnia - Vol. 1   [NAP 4]

  Jommelli, Niccolò - Betulia Liberata. Oratorio for 4 Voices, Choir and Instruments. Text by Pietro Metastasio [Score]   [NAP 5]

  Mercadante, Saverio - I due Figaro o sia Il soggetto di una commedia (1826) [Score]   [NAP 6]

  Mercadante, Saverio - I due Figaro o sia Il soggetto di una commedia (1826) [Vocal Score]   [NAP 6R]

  Paisiello, Giovanni - Missa Defunctorum. Requiem for Soloists, Choir and Orchestra (1789/1799) [Score]   [NAP 7]

  Paisiello, Giovanni - Missa Defunctorum. Requiem for Soloists, Choir and Orchestra (1789/1799) [Vocal Score]   [NAP 7R]

  Scarlatti, Alessandro - Mottetti Sacri ad una, due, tre e quattro voci con Violini per ogni tempo (Napoli 1702) [Score]   [NAP 8]

  Porpora, Nicola - Il Trionfo della Divina Giustizia ne’ tormenti e morte di Gesù Cristo. Oratorio in two parts (Napoli 1716) [Score]   [NAP 9]

  Porpora, Nicola - Il Trionfo della Divina Giustizia ne’ tormenti e morte di Gesù Cristo. Oratorio in two parts (Napoli 1716) [Vocal Score]   [NAP 9R]

  Vinci, Leonardo - Oratorio per la Madonna del Rosario (Napoli 1725) [Score]   [NAP 10]

  Vinci, Leonardo - Oratorio per la Madonna del Rosario (Napoli 1725) [Vocal Score]   [NAP 10R]

  Mercadante, Saverio - Francesca da Rimini. Dramma per musica in due atti (1830/31) [Score]   [NAP 11]

  Mercadante, Saverio - Francesca da Rimini. Dramma per musica in due atti (1830/31) [Vocal Score]   [NAP 11R]

  Scarlatti, Alessandro - La Vergine Addolorata. Oratorio in two parts (Napoli 1717) [Score]   [NAP 12]

  Scarlatti, Alessandro - La Vergine Addolorata. Oratorio in two parts (Napoli 1717) [Vocal Score]   [NAP 12R]

  Hasse, Johann Adolf - I Pellegrini al Sepolcro di Nostro Signore. Oratorio in two parts (Dresden 1742) [Score]   [NAP 13]

  Hasse, Johann Adolf - I Pellegrini al Sepolcro di Nostro Signore. Oratorio in two parts (Dresden 1742) [Vocal Score]   [NAP 13R]

  Scarlatti, Alessandro - Madrigali a 4 e 5 voci   [NAP 14]