Paolo Geminiani
Albori di Nuove Epifanie for Flute Solo (2011)
- Publisher: Ut Orpheus
- Code: XXS 95
- In Stock
€ 9.95
Author: Paolo Geminiani (*1960)
Publication Date: 2/17/2015
Pages: pp. 12
Size: 230x310 mm
Binding: Saddle stitching
ISMN: 979-0-2153-2281-3
Code: XXS 95

He obtained a diploma of high specialization in composition at the Turin ICOMS with A. Solbiati, and attended other courses (with F. Donatoni, A. Corghi, A. Guarnieri, A. Vidolin) and masterclasses (with G. Ligeti, G. Petrassi, G. Grisey, F. Donatoni, N. Castiglioni).
Since 1998 he has been awarded and signaled in several competitions, and his works have been performed at major international venues.
He teaches theory and analysis at the conservatory “N. Piccinni” of Bari.
Pan Magazine (November 2016)
... The piece is around 7 and a half minutes long and takes both the performer and the listener on a journey of exploration of the flute and its range of sonorities. The structure is well balanced and the musical material requires a wide dynamic range and attention to detail. This is an enjoyable and somewhat challenging piece with much to offer; Geminiani has a flair for flute writing and this is a distinctive piece worthy of exploration.
... The piece is around 7 and a half minutes long and takes both the performer and the listener on a journey of exploration of the flute and its range of sonorities. The structure is well balanced and the musical material requires a wide dynamic range and attention to detail. This is an enjoyable and somewhat challenging piece with much to offer; Geminiani has a flair for flute writing and this is a distinctive piece worthy of exploration.
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