The Laments of a Jewish Female Cannibal in two 17th-Century Cantatas for Soprano and Continuo
- Editor: Don Harran
- Publisher: Ut Orpheus
- Code: ODH 34
- In Stock
€ 21.95
Lettera d’Heleazaria heb:[re]a à Tito Vespasiano; Antonio Cesti: La Madre Ebrea
Editor: Don Harran
Publication Date: 7/3/2014
Pages: pp. 56
Size: 230x310 mm
Binding: Saddle stitching
ISMN: 979-0-2153-2252-3
Code: ODH 34
Bach, Johann Sebastian Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 BWV 1051 for 2 two-manual Harpsichords
ES 40 - € 20.00
Muffat, Gottlieb Componimenti Musicali (1739) for Harpsichord
ES 64 - € 53.95