Giorgio Signorile

Racconti di primavera (Spring Tales) for Guitar

  • Publisher: Ut Orpheus
  • Code: CH 98
  •   In Stock
  • € 11.95

Dentro te; Giochi d’acqua; Riflessi; Ninna nanna a Donegal

Author: Giorgio Signorile (*1962)

Publication Date: 3/1/2008

Pages: pp. 20

Size: 230x310 mm

Binding: Saddle stitching

ISMN: 979-0-2153-1530-3

Code: CH 98

Born in 1962 in Cuneo, Giorgio Signorile began studying guitar at the local Conservatory, first with Pino Briasco and later with Paul Manzo, graduating in 1986 with honors. He subsequently worked with Betho Davezac and Leo Brouwer and started appearing as a soloist and in chamber music groups. During this period he was particularly dedicated to contemporary music performing with L'Assieme Chitarristico Italiano and recording two CDs on the Dynamic and l'Olandese Etcetera labels.
Inspired by his travels, he began composing for guitar. After a success at the composition competition "Suoni Nuovi 2007", he began collaborations with publishers such as Zedde, Sinfonica and especially Ut Orpheus creating music, both educational and professional in nature, for solo guitar and flute/guitar duo. His works have been performed in recent times by several well-known artists and ensembles - Giulio Tampalini (Strong emotions), Lucio Matarazzo (LM and friends) and Giorgio Mirto (Notturni).
His most recent CD ‘Reflessi’ (Reflections), produced by CNI Music in Rome, is a collection of works for solo guitar published in recent years by Ut Orpheus.
Since 2013 he has served as an official endorser for Aquila Corde Armoniche.
He considers teaching an important part of his work as a musician, a comparison between two realities, a dialogue where respect and knowledge are exchanged and interact, creating culture, risk, interest and mutual growth.
Guitart n. 50 (aprile-giugno 2008)
Giorgio Signorile è uno di quei chitarristi la cui dedizione alla chitarra, vissuta a 'tempo pieno' (citando le parole dell'autore!), lo ha portato nel tempo a riscotere successi nei più disparati settori, da quello concertistico, a quello didattico (specialmente nel versante dedicato ai più giovani) e più di recente anche nel campo compositivo ... Il carattere che più unisce i lavori è forse l'elemento 'fiabesco' e onirico, che si traduce in una poesia sonora fatta di rimandi quasi 'visivi' ad atmosfere sempre sospese e delicate ... il tutto però mediato da una sensibilità 'classica' sempre efficace e travolgente ...
Giorgio Signorile - Riflessi
Guitar: Giorgio Signorile
Ed.: CNI - Ut Orpheus 2011
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