• Della Vecchia, Salvatore : A Life’s Picture. Descriptive Piece for Children on a Sequence of Images (2012) for Chamber Orchestra [Set of Parts]

Salvatore Della Vecchia

A Life’s Picture. Descriptive Piece for Children on a Sequence of Images (2012) for Chamber Orchestra [Set of Parts]

  • Editor: Riccardo Del Prete
  • Publisher: Ut Orpheus
  • Code: MAN 30B
  •   In Stock
  • Download (PDF)
  • € 22.95

[ - - Timp.Vib - Pf - Str]

The piece was composed in 2012 as musical comment on a succession of images and, according to the composer’s statements, to get young people close to a guided listening of music. The captions in the score stimulate the research of pictures or videos that correspond with the description, developing at the same time an attentive listening in young people, first addressees of the work. The educational aim places this track next to the most remarkable cornerstones of musical literature intended for a young audience.
At the beginning the composition was conceived for a quartet: two mandolins, mandola/mandoloncello, and guitar, because the composer wanted young people to approach to plectrum instruments. At the end of 2019 the refined orchestra version saw the light and now the one for plectrum orchestra as well.
A composition to study, perform and listen in all its versions.
(Gaetano Panariello)

Author: Salvatore Della Vecchia (*1986)

Editor: Riccardo Del Prete

Publication Date: 1/18/2022

Edition: Set of Parts (Download)

Pages: pp. 58

Size: 230x310 mm

ISMN: 979-0-2153-2736-8

Code: MAN 30B

Salvatore Della Vecchia (born in 1986) is a polyhedric Neapolitan artist of our days. He was a pupil of M° G. Panariello, with whom he studied Composition, but he is also a virtuoso mandolinist with an international concert career.
He is passionate about cinema and he worked in 2016, both as arranger and performer, on the creation of the soundtrack of the film Noi eravamo directed by Leonardo Tiberi.
Graduated in both Composition and Mandolin with full marks and honors at the Conservatory of Naples “San Pietro a Majella”, he is among the winners of prestigious competitions such as: III International Competition for Mandolin “Raffaele Calace” (2006) and National Prize of the Arts (2010), and his concert activity have seen him engaged as a soloist with orchestras on international stages such as the Xian Symphony Orchestra (China) and the Montpellier National Orchestra.
He was a member of the Neapolis Ensemble, with which he performed in many prestigious theaters around the world and recorded three discs. Since 2013 he is first mandolin of the Melis Mandolin Quartet, with which he has performed at the 44th Festival Internacional de Plectro de La Rioja in Spain and at the Festival Internacional Mandolines de Lunel in France, who has chosen his image to represent the poster of the 11th edition.
He regularly holds masterclasses in the main international Mandolin circuits. Among the various musical formations established over the years, the Motus Mandolin Quartet, with which he records the album Calace, music for mandolin quartet (Brillant Classics, 2017), taking care of its arrangements and transcriptions, has become very popular. There are numerous recordings for artists and labels of international importance and his activity as composer, arranger and orchestrator constantly leads him to important collaborations with musical groups on the European scene.
His compositions are performed and recorded by well-known concert players and orchestras, and some of these has been chosen as compulsory pieces for national competitions (CFM - Confédération Musicale de France) and in the ministerial programs for the study of the Mandolin (Conservatoire National de Région Marseille).
Since 2015 he has been a member of the Italian Orchestra led by Renzo Arbore, participating in numerous tours in Italy and abroad as well as in the recording of important television and radio programs and events.
Salvatore Della Vecchia - A life's picture
Nuova Orchestra Scarlatti, dir. Giuseppe Galiano
Ed.: YouTube