Non ti spiacqua l’ascoltar. Anthology from Vincenzo Capirola’s Lute Book (1517)
- Editor: Paolo Cherici
- Publisher: Ut Orpheus
- Code: SDS 26
- In Stock
€ 15.95
Padoana descordata; Padoana ala francese; Ti… (Tientalora) baleto; Spagna seconda; Non ti spiaqua l’ascoltar; O mia ciecha e dura sorte; Che farala per sua coda; Qui tolis pechata mundi; La vilanela; De to biens plaene; Gentil princep; Et in terra pax; Canto bello; Sancta Trinitas; Stavasi amor dormendo sotto a un fagio; Recerchar I, IV, V, VI, VIII, X, XI, XII, XIII
Editor: Paolo Cherici
Publication Date: 11/5/2019
Series: Paolo Cherici Collection
Pages: pp. 44
Size: 230x310 mm
Binding: Saddle stitching
ISMN: 979-0-2153-2573-9
Code: SDS 26
The Consort Magazine (Summer 2021)
... The tablature volume is clearly printed and a pleasure to play from. It will be welcomed by lutenists interested in the earliest sources of music for their instrument as it makes the music much more accessible. (Monica Hall)
... The tablature volume is clearly printed and a pleasure to play from. It will be welcomed by lutenists interested in the earliest sources of music for their instrument as it makes the music much more accessible. (Monica Hall)
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