Gilberto Cappelli

Per Piero (2006) - Per Maurizio (2009) for Guitar

  • Editor: Piero Bonaguri
  • Publisher: Ut Orpheus
  • Code: CH 122
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'Per Piero' and 'Per Maurizio' are among the most recent pieces written for solo guitar by Gilberto Cappelli.
The first piece, written in 2006, represents a surprise present for my fiftieth birthday: it was written after a request of a pupil of mine, Alessandra Lucchi, who performed it as a premiere during my birthday party.
The second piece (2009) expresses the composer’s participation for the pain caused by the sudden death of Maurizio Biasini, scientist and guitarist who completed his musical studies at Cesena Conservatory where Gilberto Cappelli was in the Board of Examiners. The piece was premiered at a concert in memory of Maurizio held in the Bonci Theatre in Cesena.
The use of a particular tremolo effect is a typical characteristic of all the guitar works of this composer; a tremolo which is very different from the traditional one. The performer is asked to produce – as much as possible – a long and continuous sound, as if it were a voice or the long sound of string or wind instruments. The tremolo will have to be very dense and homogeneous. In the case of a tremolo on two or three strings it is necessary to start playing two or three sounds simultaneously only once and then continuing alternating them – but always tending to achieve a homogeneity of sound.
(Piero Bonaguri)

Author: Gilberto Cappelli (*1952)

Editor: Piero Bonaguri

Publication Date: 9/6/2010

Series: Piero Bonaguri Collection

Pages: pp. 12

Size: 230x310 mm

Binding: Saddle stitching

ISMN: 979-0-2153-1841-0

Code: CH 122

Gilberto Cappelli was born in Predappio Alta (FC) in 1952; endowed with a precocious musical talent, at the age of fourteen he started to attend the Conservatory G.B. Martini in Bologna, where he graduated in piano, choir conduction, orchestra conduction and composition with G. Manzoni and A. Clementi. He is currently teaching Harmony and Counterpoint at the Conservatory B. Maderna in Cesena. His professional life has therefore developed in the musical field as a composer: he has taken part five times with his works in the Biennale in Venice, in Milano Musica, in Pomeriggi Musicali in Milan and in the Festival Pontino. In 2002 he was awarded the Abbiati Prize of the Italian Critic for the best composition of the year. During all these years he has developed a great interest for the visual art, which he has cultivated with personal studies. Above all starting from the 90s, Cappelli has tried to devote much of his time to painting. The two activities found a meeting point in December 2007, when he was invited by the University in Palermo - Aglaia Department - Music Section to the three-day «Meeting with the Composer» dedicated to him. On that occasion two concerts of his works were performed, study workshops were held on his production and some of his paintings were displayed in an exhibition.
Classical Guitar Magazine (October 2011)
These two pieces represent the most recent pieces written for the guitar by this composer ... he employs the entire way through a particular effect: namely, that of a particular tremolo effect wherein the performer is asked to produce a long and continuous sound as if it were a voice or the long notes produced by a violin for example. Moreover, it has to be very dense and homogeneous and can include chords of two or more notes ... if you like music such as this, then give it a try. (Chris Dumigan)
Seicorde (gennaio-marzo 2011)
... La scrittura di Cappelli è originale ... Il risultato è di contrasti forti e di materia che si modella, si plasma per poi ritornare alla forma iniziale ... di certo due bei lavori per il nostro strumento, che esplorano un lato della sonorità della chitarra poco conosciuto e battuto.
Guitar: Piero Bonaguri