New Editions
Coelho, Manuel Rodrigues
Flores de Musica (1620) - Vol. III: Liturgical WorksECHOM 7 - € 87.00
Publ. Date: 05/14/2024
Bonaguri, Piero - Chillemi, Luciano
Introduzione alla pratica del basso continuo per chitarristiCH 394 - € 13.50
Publ. Date: 04/17/2024
Ghiglia, Oscar - Vercellino, Antonin
La musica prima di tutto. Incontri con Oscar GhigliaLB 49 - € 17.00
Publ. Date: 04/17/2024
Schubert, Franz
10 Songs arranged for High Voice and Guitar by John W. DuarteCH 397 - € 16.00
Publ. Date: 04/17/2024
Signorile, Giorgio
Il grande larice rosso (The great red larch). 3 Pieces for GuitarCH 395 - € 11.00
Publ. Date: 04/17/2024
Cherici, Paolo
A Teaching Anthology for the Lute. A collection of simple pieces for one and two Lutes suitable for beginnersSDS 28 - € 39.00
Publ. Date: 04/08/2024
Duarte, John W.
3 Character Pieces (Karen - Stella - Dives and Lazarus) for 2 GuitarsCH 396 - € 15.00
Publ. Date: 04/08/2024
Reusner, Esaias
3 Lute Suites transcribed for Guitar by John W. DuarteCH 390 - € 12.50
Publ. Date: 04/08/2024
The Art of the Fantasia. 19 Lute Fantasias transcribed for Guitar by John W. Duarte
CH 391 - € 19.00
Publ. Date: 04/08/2024
The Art of the Galliard. 19 Lute Galliards transcribed for Guitar by John W. Duarte
CH 392 - € 14.50
Publ. Date: 04/08/2024
Carulli, Ferdinando
Grand Recueil pour la Guitare Op. 114 - Vol. 2: Third and Fourth PartCH 387 - € 32.50
Publ. Date: 03/20/2024
Geminiani, Francesco
12 Sonatas for Violin and Figured Bass [Op. 1] (1716) (H. 1-12). Appendix: Early ArrangementsGCE 20 - € 230.00
Publ. Date: 03/20/2024
Ragué, Louis-Charles
3 Duos Op. 8 for 2 Harps or Violin and HarpMAG 294 - € 36.00
Publ. Date: 03/20/2024