Music for Violin
Bellinzani, Paolo Benedetto
12 Sonate da Chiesa a tre (18th century) for 2 Violins and ContinuoCSS 53 - € 34.00
Frisina, Cesare
Short Bowing Method. Exercises for coordinating right-arm movements for the young violinistDM 25 - € 11.95
Oswald, James
Collection of curious Scots Tunes (London c.1742) for Violin (Flute) and ContinuoCSS 50 - € 32.95
Handel, George Frideric
Sonata in A Minor Op. 1 No. 4 for Treble Recorder (Flute, Oboe, Violin) and GuitarCH 37 - € 13.00
Bitti, Martino
8 Sonate a due per suonarsi con Flauto o vero Violino e Basso (London c.1711)CSS 42 - € 24.95