Music for Flute
Geminiani, Francesco
12 Sonatas for Violin and Figured Bass [Op. 1] (1716) (H. 1-12). Appendix: Early ArrangementsGCE 20 - € 230.00
Ancillotti, Mario
Appunti di un flautista. Riflessioni sulla musica, schede interpretative e repertorio ragionatoLB 47 - € 30.00
Denti, Carlo
Pièces Trascendentales Vol. 1: 6 Utopian Duets for Flute Solo or other Melodic InstrumentXXS 111 - € 14.95
Denti, Carlo
Pièces Trascendentales Vol. 2: 12 Fantasias for Flute Solo or other Melodic InstrumentXXS 112 - € 18.95
Sola, Carlo Michelangelo
La Marziale. Fantasia Concertante for Harp (Piano) and FluteMAG 250 - € 14.95
Berlioz, Hector
L’Enfance du Christ. Trio of the Young Ishmaelites for Flute and PianoHS 215 - € 11.95