Music for Recorder
Il Flauto Dolce. Dallo scolaro al virtuoso
LB 1 - € 12.95
7 Roman Duets of the 17th century for 2 Treble Recorders
HS 3 - € 10.95
Handel, George Frideric
Sonata in A Minor Op. 1 No. 4 for Treble Recorder (Flute, Oboe, Violin) and GuitarCH 37 - € 13.00
Anonymous 18th century
Follia di Spagna. 25 Variations (from the ms. CF-V-23 of the Biblioteca Palatina in Parma) for Treble Recorder (Flute, Oboe) and ContinuoHS 57 - € 18.95
Bellanda, Lodovico
2 Instrumental four-part Canzonas (Verona 1599) for Recorder Quartet (SATB)HS 13 - € 15.95
Bertalotti, Angelo
12 two-part Sonatinas (Bologna 1744) for Descant and Treble RecordersHS 5 - € 10.95
Bianco, Giovanni Battista
5 Instrumental two-part Canzonas (Venezia 1610) for Descant and Tenor RecordersHS 17 - € 9.95
Bitti, Martino
8 Sonate a due per suonarsi con Flauto o vero Violino e Basso (London c.1711)CSS 42 - € 24.95
Bonzanini, Giacomo
3 Instrumental four-part Canzonas (Venezia 1616) for Recorder Quartet (SATB)HS 12 - € 16.95
Cangiasi, Giovanni Antonio
La Confrata, La Furugada. 2 Instrumental four-part Canzonas (Milano 1614) for Recorder Quartet (SATB)HS 36 - € 16.95
Cangiasi, Giovanni Antonio
La Girometta, La Genovesa, La Alessandrina. 3 instrumental four-part Canzonas (Milano 1614) for Recorder Quartet (SATB)HS 8 - € 20.95
Cangiasi, Giovanni Antonio
La Grassa, La Guerra, La Filippa. 3 instrumental four-part Canzonas (Milano 1614) for Recorder Quartet (SATB)HS 10 - € 14.00