Contemporary Music
Jappelli, Nicola
Due cartoline milanesi (Two Milanese Postcards) for Guitar (2019-20)CH 404 - € 10.50
Signorile, Giorgio
Il grande larice rosso (The great red larch). 3 Pieces for GuitarCH 395 - € 11.00
Duarte, John W.
3 Character Pieces (Karen - Stella - Dives and Lazarus) for 2 GuitarsCH 396 - € 15.00
Spazzoli, Alessandro
Russian Memories for Accordion and Strings (2018) [Performance Material on Hire]Spazzoli, Alessandro
Russian Memories for Accordion and Strings (2018) [Piano Reduction]HS 323R - € 12.95
Della Vecchia, Salvatore
A Life’s Picture. Descriptive Piece for Children on a Sequence of Images (2012) for Chamber Orchestra [Score]MAN 30 - € 13.95
Della Vecchia, Salvatore
A Life’s Picture. Descriptive Piece for Children on a Sequence of Images (2012) for Chamber Orchestra [Set of Parts]MAN 30B - € 22.95