Ad Parnassum No. 41
Fabrizio Ammetto, Francisco Javier Lupiáñez Ruiz, Luis Miguel Pinzón Acosta
The Thematic Catalogue of the Musical Works of Johann Georg Pisendel (PW): III. Lost Compositions and Doubtful Works
Erinn E. Knyt
Ferruccio Busoni’s Reimaginings of Fryderyk Chopin’s Compositions
Malcom Miller
William Kinderman, Beethoven: A Political Artist in Revolutionary Times
Galliano Ciliberti
Geographies of Sound: Sounding and Listening to the Urban Space ofEarly Modern Italy with a Contemporary Perspective
Joan Grimalt
Nicholas Mathew, The Haydn Economy: Music, Aesthetics, and Commerce in the Late Eighteenth Century
François Delécluse
Financing Music in Europe
Laure Schnapper
Bertrand Jaeger, L’œuvre de Frédéric Chopin: Manuscrits – Partitions annotées – Bibliographies et Catalogue d’une collection d’éditions anciennes
María Encina Cortizo
Raffaella Bianchi, A Cultural History of La Scala in the Risorgimento (1814-1848)
Books Received
Index of Names