Biancamaria Furgeri (*1935)

Biancamaria Furgeri (6 October 1935) was born in Rovigo, Italy, and studied at the Conservatorio di Padova and in Milan and Venice with Wolfgango Dalla Vecchia, Bruno Coltro, Bruno Bettinelli, Giuseppe Piccioli and Giorgio Federico Ghedini.
After completing her studies, Furgeri taught music in Ferrara and Padua, and in 1969 took a teaching position at the Conservatorio G.B. Martini in Bologna.
Her works have been performed internationally. She has placed first in a number of international competitions, including the 1973 National Sacred Music competition in Verese, the 1985 GEDOK competition in Mannheim, and the 1987 International Competition for Women Composers in Zürich.

Published Works:

  Furgeri, Biancamaria - ...Di voci d’oro... for Guitar (1992)   [CH 237]