Ilario Defrancesco (*1970)

Born in Moena (Trento) in 1970, Ilario Defrancesco got his Piano diploma with Prof. Maddalena Giese and Choral music and choir conduction diploma with Prof. Cecilia Vettorazzi.
In 1993 he founded the Canticum Novum Ensemble in Moena (Trento), polyphonic mixed choir which he still conducts.
As a choral music composer, he obtained several acknowledgements, including an honor mention both at the IX Concorso Internazionale di Composizione ed Elaborazione Corale in Trento and at the V edition of the “Premio a la Composición y Expresión Coral” in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain); he obtained another mention at the V Concorso di Composizione “Cantar Saba” in Trieste.
Some of his compositions have been published in several collection edited by Federazione Cori del Trentino, ASAC Veneto, Edizioni Pizzicato – Verlag Hevetia, Edizioni Carrara and by an edition promoted by the Canary Islands’ Government. He also published, in the year 2006, Pìsola, Rìsola, Tirapecé a collection of 50 pieces with didactic purposes for children choirs with Ladin lyrics by Stefen Dell’Antonio Monech (Edizioni Union di Ladins de Fascia). The Federazione Nazionale Italiana Associazioni Regionali Corali (FENIARCO) has moreover chosen and edited some of his pieces in different choral collections, such as Giro Giro canto n. 3 & 4, Melos n. 2 & 3 and Teenc@nta n. 2.
Currently, he is member of the Technical-Artistic committee for the Federazione Cori del Trentino.

Published Works:

  Defrancesco, Ilario - Audite, poverelle dal Signore vocate for Female Choir (SA)   [EC 3]

  Defrancesco, Ilario - Augurio for Children’s Voice and Piano   [EC 11]

  Defrancesco, Ilario - Laudate Eum for Female Choir (SMsA) and Piano (2014) [Choir Score]   [EC 6C]

  Defrancesco, Ilario - Laudate Eum for Female Choir (SMsA) and Piano (2014) [Score]   [EC 6]